Can I require students to come to the Writing studio?

No. We will help any student with any type of writing assignment for your classes. One of our major aims is to facilitate the development of confident, internally motivated, self-actualized writers/thinkers/students. We believe direct communication between faculty and students is key to accomplishing this goal. Because of this, we do not have a formal referral process for the Writing Studio. Instead, our hope is that you, the professor, will communicate the need for the student to seek support and the value of a visit to the Writing Studio.

Then the student can access our website to determine what kind of support they want to seek. We are working hard to make the Writing Studio website accessible and easy to navigate.

If you have had that conversation with a student and you know that they plan to visit the Studio, you can definitely fill out our Faculty Notification Form to give the consultants your insight into what the student needs. We will use it to structure our time with each student.

We do encourage you to offer extra credit for students to attend one of our skill-based workshops during the semester.

Do you have suggestions for designing and grading writing assignments?

Yes! There are many online resources for faculty on our Faculty Resources page.

Can someone visit my class to encourage my students to use the Writing Studio?

Absolutely, we would love to do so. Simply fill out this form to request an informational visit.

Additionally, we have developed a Canvas Writing Studio site solely for communicating to faculty. This site contains a ready made module to introduce students to the Writing Studio that you can import directly into your own Canvas class sites. If you would like to be added to this site, simply email our Interim Writing Studio Coordinator, Karyn Pallay, at

How can I confirm that my student has visited the Writing Studio?

Again, we aim to promote direct communication between the student and the faculty. Therefore, following up on your initial conversation about the Studio with the student is the best way to find out if they visited and how their consultation went.

If you have students who have visited the Studio and you would like to give us feedback on their progress or the help they received, please email

What if I have even more questions?

We welcome your questions! Email