VCCS POLICY NO: 6.0.0 -6.0.5
EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/22/2008
REVISED DATE: 01/28/2020
To establish standards and guidelines on admissions to the college.
Ability-to-benefit: applies to a person who is a non-high school graduate or does not have a high school diploma equivalent (i.e., GED), who is beyond the age of compulsory attendance, and who achieves scores in the areas of English, reading, and math on a designated test that would determine that he or she can perform at the college level.
Advanced Studies Diploma: a diploma for students who complete 24 or 26 standard units of credit (depending on time of enrollment in high school) as outlined in the Virginia Department of Education regulations, earn nine (9) verified credits, and beginning with students who enter ninth grade in 2013-14, successfully complete one virtual course.Applied Studies Diploma (formerly Special Diploma): a diploma for students with disabilities who complete the requirements of their individualized education plan (IEP) but do not meet the requirements for other diplomas (standard or advanced). This award does not constitute high school graduation.
Certificate of Program Completion: a certificate for students who complete a prescribed program of studies as defined by the local board but do not qualify for a diploma and who may or may not have an IEP.
College readiness: demonstrated ability to perform in college level courses as prescribed by specified VCCS standards or success in previous college level coursework.
Concurrent student: the classification established for any high school student who is enrolled in courses at the college and who is not under the provisions of the statewide dual enrollment agreement.
Dual enrollment student: the classification established for any high school student who is enrolled in courses at the college under the provisions of the statewide dual enrollment agreement.
General Achievement Diploma: a diploma for students who are at least 18 years of age, are not currently enrolled in high school, have completed prescribed standard units of credit; a passing score on a high school equivalency examination approved by the Virginia Board of Education; and the attainment of a Board-approved career and technical education credential.
High school graduate: any individual who has completed a course of study at the secondary level for whom the school certifies that the individual meets the criteria for a high school graduate. Within the Commonwealth, the Virginia Community College System recognizes the achievement of one (1) of the following Virginia high school diplomas: Advanced Studies Diploma, Standard Diploma, Modified Standard Diploma, and General Achievement Diploma.
Home-schooled student: the classification established for any high school-age student who is not enrolled in a public or private high school and who is under the home school provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
International student applicants: individuals who are not United States citizens who wish to enroll at the college under visa status..
Modified Standard Diploma: a diploma for students with a disability, as identified on their IEP, who are unlikely to complete the credit requirements for a standard diploma, complete 20 standard units of credit as outlined in the Virginia Department of Education regulations, and demonstrate numeracy and literacy competence (pass 8th grade math and English).
Standard Diploma: a diploma for students who complete 22 standard units of credit as outlined in the Virginia Department of Education regulations, earn six (6) verified credits, and beginning with students who enter ninth grade in 2013-14, earn a Board-approved career and technical education credential, and successfully complete one virtual course.
Consistent with its mission to serve the community, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds) adopts the following policies for admission into the college.
Individuals are eligible for general admission to the college if they are high school graduates or the equivalent, or if they are eighteen (18) years of age or older and demonstrate readiness to study at the college. Individuals may self-certify that they are high school graduates. If an individual is enrolled in high school or completing an equivalency diploma at the time they are applying, they must submit an official copy of their final high school transcript, which should list the diploma type and graduation data. Advanced Studies Diploma, Standard Diploma, Modified Standard Diploma, General Achievement Diploma and GED Certificates are considered as having met the high school diploma requirement. Applied Studies Diplomas and Certificates of Completion do not constitute high school graduation.
Enrollment for high school students (dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and home-schooled students) is restricted to students who have attained junior or senior status.
Concurrent and home-schooled students must provide sufficient documentation in order to demonstrate college readiness for the courses in which they are interested. Documentation shall include high school transcripts, placement test scores, or other standardized tests. See Addendum - College Readiness Standards for High School Students.
High school students who do not meet the junior or senior status may petition for enrollment. Dual enrollment students should submit JSRCC Form No. 11-0025, Dual Enrollment Course Request form; Concurrent students should submit JSRCC Form No. 11-0026, Concurrent Enrollment form; and home-schooled students should submit JSRCC Form No. 11-0030, Home Schooled Student Enrollment form; to an admissions specialist within the Office of the Registrar. All petitions must receive approval from the college president or designee.
High school students must meet VCCS college readiness standards (College's Readiness Standards for High School Students). Further, all high school students must request permission for enrollment for each semester in which they are interested. These students shall be classified as non-curricular students until they have met general admissions requirements. In all instances, high school students shall be restricted to enrollment in college level courses.
Students working toward degrees at other institutions of higher learning may enroll at the college as non-curricular, visiting students. Visiting students must submit JSRCC Form No. 11-0006, Visiting Student Approval form, upon completion of the application for admission. This form signed by the student's home school advisor, waives course pre-requisites.
Applicants who are designated as international student applicants may apply for admission to the college. However, admission may be restricted to certain degree and certificate programs. All necessary documents as shown on the Required Document List for International Student Admissions, must be submitted in accordance with established deadlines in order to enroll at the college.
The college reserves the right to deny admission to individuals who pose a threat to themselves, to the college environment, or for whom the college has reason to believe that it is not in the best interest of the college to enroll the individual. Denials shall be handled according to the Procedures for Denial or Revocation of Admissions Status.
Provided that an applicant meets the general admission requirements, the applicant may enroll in a curricular program. Students who do not meet the general admissions requirement may enroll in the college as a non-curricular student until a high school diploma or equivalent is earned or the student demonstrates the ability to benefit. (See Reynolds Policy No. 1-01, College Readiness for Non-High School Graduates).
Applicants may need to meet specific requirements for enrollment in certain programs. It is the responsibility of the student to provide the additional information required in order to meet the admissions standards for the program.
In the instance that enrollment is limited for a particular curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified applicants who are residents of the service region supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to a given program at their local community college, provided such students apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission.
All decisions regarding general admission are made by admissions personnel. Decisions regarding admission into programs with additional admission requirements are made by the program head or school dean. However, all documents for college admission should be submitted through college admissions personnel, which shall coordinate admission processes with the various academic units.
The college prohibits educational and employment discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, or political affiliation, or against otherwise qualified persons with disabilities. In the event that there is a concern regarding discrimination, the individual should contact the College's Title IX Coordinator or Dean of Students.
Individuals interested in admission to the college must complete the Virginia Community College Online Admissions application form or JSRCC Form No. 11-0000, Application for Admission.
Upon submission of an application, admissions personnel will review the application and determine the applicant's eligibility for general admission. In instances where additional documentation or meetings with applicants are required (e.g., home-schooled students, threats to environment, etc.), the appropriate office will contact each applicant for additional follow up.
Applicants will receive notice from admissions personnel regarding their eligibility for general admission to the college.
In the instance where a student is an applicant to a program with special admission criteria, the academic unit should communicate to admissions personnel the deadlines for admission and establish a timeline for the timely review of documents.
Upon the collection and review of supplemental documentation (e.g., transcripts) and other criteria, the specified admissions specialist will communicate the results of its review to the academic unit. The academic unit will communicate its final decision to the applicant regarding eligibility for enrollment into the specific program. The academic unit must communicate its decisions to admissions, using mutually-agreeable procedures.
Other Information:
Reynolds Policy No. 1-01, College Readiness for Non-High School Graduates
JSRCC Form No. 11-0006, Visiting Student Approval Form
JSRCC Form No. 11-0025, Dual Enrollment Course Request Form
JSRCC Form No. 11-0026, Concurrent Enrollment Form
JSRCC Form No. 11-0030, Home Schooled Student Enrollment Form
College Readiness Standards for High School Students
College Readiness Standards for Non-High School Graduates
Procedures for Denial or Revocation of Admissions Status
Required Document List for International Student Admissions
Virginia Community College Online Admissions Application Form