EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/1990
REVISED DATE: 04/15/2021
  1. Purpose:

    To describe the college's policies regarding academic advising for curricular and non-curricular students.

  2. Definitions:

    Curricular student: a student who is enrolled in a degree or certificate program at the college.

    Developmental advising: a comprehensive program facilitated by counselors, teaching faculty, and student services personnel who share responsibility with advisees for student success. The advising relationship is a continuous developmental process involving open communication in an atmosphere of mutual respect and honesty. It assists students with the transition to college and the evaluation and attainment of their academic, career, and personal goals.

    Good academic standing: the status achieved when a student maintains a GPA of 2.0 each semester and is not on academic suspension or dismissal.

    Non-curricular student: a student who is not enrolled in a degree or certificate program.

  3. Policy:

    J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds) is committed to the success of its students. In understanding student success, the institution prescribes an advising structure with policies and procedures that shall assist students in achieving their academic/educational, career, and social goals.

    1. Reynolds endorses a developmental approach to advising.

    2. Academic advising occurs throughout the academic year as well as during those designated registration periods.

    3. All curricular students are assigned a faculty advisor, which shall be reflected in both the college's Student Information System and in Navigate.

    4. All students who have 0-15 credits completed shall receive academic advising within Advising Services. Students with more than 15 completed credits should meet with their assigned faculty advisor.

    5. All non-curricular students may receive academic advising within Advising Services and are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor in Advising Services prior to registering for classes.

    6. All curricular students are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor prior to registering for classes.

    7. Students in good academic standing at the college may self-advise. However, students who self-advise shall be responsible for meeting all course and program requirements as specified in the college catalog that corresponds to the student's effective catalog/year.

    8. Students who are not in good academic standing shall be required to meet with an academic advisor before registering for courses. Curricular students should meet with their academic advisor in their assigned program. Non-curricular students should meet with an academic advisor in Advising Services. Students who are not in good standing may need to comply with educational plans that shall assist them in achieving good academic standing.

    9. Advising sessions may occur in person, or by phone, email or in other college-sanctioned virtual formats. In instances when advising is done using the various forms of technology, faculty and staff shall work to ensure student privacy and confidentiality according to Reynolds Policy No. 1-26, Student Privacy and Release of Student Information.

  4. Procedures:


  5. Other Information:

    Reynolds Policy No. 1-26, Student Privacy and Release of Student Information