EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/1990
REVISED DATE: 08/23/2024
  1. Purpose:

    To promote a safe and healthy environment that is conducive to learning.

  2. Definitions:

    Appeal: an opportunity to review a decision made by a formal complaint and/or written statement.

    Assault: a verbal or physical attack on someone.

    Battery: an unwanted striking or touching of someone.

    Behavioral Intervention Team: team that provides assessment of and intervention with individuals whose behavior pose a threat to the safety of the campus community. (See Code of Virginia, Section 23.1-805, Violence prevention committee; threat assessment team, or Reynolds Policy No. 1-22, Behavioral Intervention, for greater definition of the role and scope of the team.)

    Campus: one of the four (4) campuses of the college - Parham Road, Downtown, The Kitchens, or Goochland - as well as other college-leased or owned facilities.

    College: J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds).

    Disruptive Acts: Disrupting or obstructing the normal learning, living, or work environments of other members of the College community or the functions or activities of the College (as well as activities conducted on the College’s property with its permission) is prohibited. Examples include: blocking entrances, corridors or exits; interfering with ongoing educational activities, cultural events, or recreational, extracurricular or athletic programs; unauthorized presence in a building after normal closing hours or after notice that the building is being closed; interfering with vehicular or pedestrian traffic; creating unsanitary conditions; and interfering with any other effort to protect the health and safety of members of the College community or larger public. (see Student Code of Conduct Addendum in 1-35 Procedures).

    Distribution: any form of sale, exchange, or transfer.

    Fighting words: personally abusive epithets which, when directly addressed to any ordinary person are, in the context used and as a matter of common knowledge, inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction whether or not they actually do so. Such words include, but are not limited to, those terms widely recognized to be derogatory references to race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, and other personal characteristics. "Fighting words" create a hostile and intimidating environment which the student uttering them should reasonably know will interfere with the victim's ability to effectively pursue their education or otherwise to participate fully in college programs and activities.

    Harassment: the continual irritating or tormenting of someone.

    Preponderance of evidence: the standard of judgment that indicates that the weight of the evidence is sufficient to convince the fact-finder that the issue in question is more likely true than not.

    Sanction(s): an action(s) meant to educate, rehabilitate, or deter inappropriate behavior.

    Sexual misconduct: sexual assault, sexual harassment, and verbal misconduct. (Refer to Reynolds Policy No. 4-17, Title IX - Sexual Misconduct, for a complete definition.)

    Student: any person currently enrolled in a credit, non-credit, or developmental course(s).

    Student organization: any student organization officially recognized by the Office of Student Life.

    Weapon: any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause injury, or incapacitate; including, but not limited to, firearms, explosives, pellet guns, sling shots, martial arts devices, knives, brass knuckles, razors, etc.

  3. Policy:

      1. Application

        Any student who accepts the privilege of enrollment extended by Reynolds is deemed to have given their consent to the policies of the college. All students assume the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct listed in this policy.

        Students are expected to obey the law, show respect for properly constituted authority, perform contractual obligations, maintain integrity and high standards in academic work, and observe a standard of conduct appropriate for the college. Proper conduct is expected while on campus, off campus at college-leased or owned facilities, online, or attending activities that are sponsored, initiated, authorized, or supervised by the college.

        Disciplinary action will be taken when any student, group of students, or student organization:

        1. fails to observe the general standards of conduct or any specific policy, rule, regulation, or college procedure adopted by the college, or

        2. acts in a manner not in the best interest of the college community.

        In all proceedings, the principle of due process is guaranteed to the student. Disciplinary proceedings conducted pursuant to this policy shall be fair and expeditious. Procedures governing criminal or civil courts, including formal rules of evidence, are not applicable. Deviations from the procedures in this policy shall not invalidate a proceeding or decision, except where such deviation has clearly resulted in significant prejudice to an accused student or to the college.

        Should the presence of a student on campus be considered a serious and substantial danger to the operation of the college or to the welfare of the college community, the college reserves the right to take immediate action.

        A student who violates federal, state, or local criminal or civil laws while on campus; off campus at college-leased facilities; or attending any activities that are sponsored, initiated, authorized, or supervised by the college; or when representing the college, shall be referred to local authorities. In addition, the student may be subject to disciplinary proceedings by the college. Furthermore, certain criminal and/or civil offenses or inappropriate behavior, although not committed while a student is on campus, off campus at college-leased facilities, or attending any activities that are sponsored, initiated, authorized, or supervised by the college; or when representing the college, may by their very nature pose a serious and substantial danger to the college community. In such cases, the college reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action.

        Persons not enrolled officially in the college, who by their actions on campus violate their status as invited guests, are subject to the relevant sanctions of the penal code of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

        To the extent feasible and practical, disciplinary regulations at the college are in writing in order to give students general notice of prohibited conduct. The regulations are not a criminal code; they should be read broadly and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms.

      2. Violations:

        The following shall constitute unacceptable behavior on campus, off campus at college-leased or owned facilities, or when attending any activities that are sponsored, initiated, authorized, or supervised by the college, or when representing the college, and subjects offenders to disciplinary action:

        1. not abiding by the College's COVID-19 safety protocols found on the following web site: https://www.reynolds.edu/campus_life/health/documents/Reynolds_Student_Health_Safety_Agreement.pdf

        2. all forms of academic dishonesty, including cheating, collusion, plagiarism, and forgery (see Reynolds Policy No. 2-07, Academic Honesty)

        3. disruption or obstruction of college or college-sponsored activities that may include, but are not limited to, teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, studying, cultural events, fire, police, emergency services, or other college activities (see addendum in 1-35 Procedures regarding Disruptive Acts and Encampments)

        4. physical and/or psychological abuse, assault and battery, molestation, or threat of such actions against any member of the community or any visitor to the college, or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any such person

        5. acts of harassment that include, but are not limited to, the use or display of "fighting words" by students to harass any person(s) on college property, on other property to which these policies apply as defined in campus implementing regulations, or in connection with official college functions or college-sponsored programs

        6. engaging in any form of sexual misconduct, inclusive of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and verbal misconduct. In instances of alleged sexual misconduct, Reynolds Policy No. 4-17, Title IX - Sexual Misconduct, shall take precedence.

        7. indecent, lewd, disorderly, or obscene conduct or expression

        8. participating in or inciting a riot or an unauthorized or disorderly assembly

        9. damaging, defacing, destroying, or misusing college property or property under its jurisdiction, or the property of a member of the college community or a campus visitor

        10. unauthorized entry into or presence in a college facility

        11. refusing to depart from any property or facilities of the college upon direction by a college official, such as the president, a President's Executive Cabinet member, Department of Police staff, VCCS officials, or other persons authorized by the president

        12. refusing to vacate a classroom upon order of a faculty or staff member

        13. use of alcoholic beverages, including the purchase, consumption, possession, or sale of such items, except where specifically authorized within regulations of the college

        14. gambling or holding a raffle or lottery on the campus or at any college function without proper college and other necessary approval

        15. unlawful use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of any illegal or controlled substance

        16. using, possessing, or storing illegal or unauthorized arms classified as weapons, fireworks, explosives, or dangerous chemicals

        17. stalking behavior in which an individual willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly engages in a knowing course of conduct directed at a specific person which reasonably and seriously alarms, torments, or terrorizes the person, and which serves no legitimate purpose

        18. theft or attempted theft of college property or personal property of a member of the college community or campus visitor or knowingly possessing such stolen property

        19. physically detaining or restraining any other person or removing such persons from any place where they are authorized to move or in any way obstructing the free movement of persons or vehicles on college premises or at college activities

        20. forging, unauthorized altering, falsifying, or unauthorized use of any college documents, records, keys, or instruments of identification

        21. furnishing false information to the college or to members of the college community who are acting in exercise of their official duties

        22. abuse of computer and network access

        23. unauthorized or fraudulent use of college facilities and/or equipment, including but not limited to, the telephone system, mail system, computer system (including email and Internet services), transportation system, or use of any of the above for an illegal act

        24. using sound amplification equipment, systems, or devices, except as permitted by the college

        25. violating fire and other safety regulations that include the misuse or damage of safety equipment

        26. willfully encouraging others to commit any of the acts that have been herein prohibited

        27. knowingly violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed as a result of official findings of a violation of the conduct policy

        28. violation of campus or college parking regulations
        29. violation of Reynolds Policy No. 1-38, Expressive Activity

        30. violation of college policy on solicitation and sales

        31. violation of Reynolds Policy No. 4-03, Eating, Drinking, and Smoking in College Facilities (e.g., in classrooms, laboratories, lecture halls, and libraries)

        32. violation of local, state, and/or federal laws (see addendum in 1-35 Procedures regarding unlawful activities, including the concealment of identity)

        33. abuse of the student discipline system, that includes, but is not limited to, failure to appear for a hearing; falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before the hearing officer or committee; disruption or interference of the orderly conduct of student conduct hearings; false accusation of student misconduct, knowingly without cause; attempting to influence impartiality of a member of the hearing committee prior to and/or during the hearing process; harassment of witnesses or members of hearing committees; and the like

        34. In accordance with Executive Directive Six (2023), Reynolds expressly forbids Antisemitism and Anti-Religious Bigotry and protects the freedom to worship in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    NOTE: Students in selective admissions programs such as Nursing and EMS should consult their respective selective admissions program handbook for additional information regarding conduct.

  4. Procedures:

    Procedures for Student Conduct, Policy 1-35

  5. Other Information:

    Code of Virginia, Section 23.1-805 , Violence prevention committee; threat assessment team

    Reynolds Policy No. 1-22, Behavioral Intervention

    Reynolds Policy No. 1-38, Expressive Activity

    Reynolds Policy No. 2-07, Academic Honesty

    Reynolds Policy No. 2-18, Classroom Interruptions

    Reynolds Policy No. 2-19, Electronic Devices on Campus

    Reynolds Policy No. 4-03, Eating, Drinking, and Smoking in College Facilities

    Reynolds Policy No. 4-17, Title IX - Sexual Misconduct

    Reynolds Policy No. 4-31, Children and Non-Students on Campus

    Reynolds Policy No. 4-32, Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources

    JSRCC Form No. 75-0005, Behavior Intervention Referral